“Don’t lift weights! You’ll look like a man.” “Cardio is all you need to get in shape.” “Women need to train with high reps to tone the muscles.” If you could see my face hearing comments like that, it would look something like this: For years, … [Continue reading]
How to Lose Weight and Get Lean
If you’ve read my article on Why Diets Suck you know my stance on diets and dieting in general. But let’s get something straight. Restrictive diets are BS, yes. However, if you’re carrying a spare tire around your waist or can’t take a 10 minute … [Continue reading]
Lean and Mean Training: Building a Powerful Back
Having a strong back is paramount to athletic performance and having a well-rounded physique. A strong and developed back gives the body that desirable V-shape. It creates the illusion of having a smaller waist and wide shoulders. How should you … [Continue reading]
Eating for Muscle and Strength
If your goal is to gain muscle, lose fat and/or increase your athletic abilities, you need to start paying attention to your diet. Eating right will have a far bigger impact on performance and aesthetics than training hard. You can’t out-train a bad … [Continue reading]
How to Train for Maximum Muscle Growth
I remember it vividly. I was probably around 6 or 7 years old watching The Terminator on TV (remember that opening scene? Of course you do). And then I saw Arnold for the first time. I was shocked. I couldn’t wrap my head around the size of this … [Continue reading]