Do you want to lose fat, build muscle and unleash your ultimate self?
Do you want to build a lean, strong, and powerful body without dieting, without supplements and without wasting your life at the gym?
(You know, like nature intended before the fitness industry came along to shove useless garbage down our throats.)
Cool. We’ll get to that.
But first, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Victor Gaspar, M.Sc and I am the founder and creator of Living Lean and Mean.
I’m not a genetic specimen.
In fact, growing up I looked like.. well.. see for yourself.
The “before” pick says it all. Mind you this was after 2+ years of hitting the gym religiously and eating “clean”.
From the very beginning, I had to go the extra mile to grow muscle and accelerate fat loss.
But here’s the thing..
I didn’t want to give up my life just to look better with my shirt off.
I never wanted to live this mind-numbing “fitness lifestyle” promoted in magazines and online.
I didn’t want to carry overcooked Tupperware chicken everywhere I went.
I didn’t want to spend my days pumping up my muscles in the gym with people who don’t understand the concept of deodorants.
And I didn’t want to use drugs, powders and magic pills to get the job done.
I wanted to get STRONG, RIPPED, POWERFUL on my own terms!
And after years of trying every possible diet and training program on God’s green earth..
It finally clicked.
I discovered the 4 Drivers of Physical Supremacy.
Mind you, it only took me 10+ years to figure it out. But then again, most people never get there.
They will never know how to eat and train for a body they can be proud of..
For a life they can be proud of.
Just take a look at the people in your local gym. They look the same every year.
The months pass, the seasons change but their bodies don’t.
Sound familiar?
I created a state-of-the-art 4-Phase Transformation System to help regular people – people like you – get in WORLD BEATER shape.
Listen here.
The fitness and health industry is as shady as they come.
The people behind the supplements, gyms and run-of-the-mill programs don’t want you to make it.
They don’t want you to win.
They want your hard-earned money and will tell you anything to get it.
Call me naive but I believe in honesty, integrity, and service.
I believe in the truth.
Fact is..
You DO NOT have to lead a life of deprivation and misery to reach your goals.

Want results like Mike’s?
Don’t go on a low-fat, low-carb misery diet to lose fat (in fact, this is a surefire way to sabotage your results).
Don’t waste your time and money on magic pills or fancy equipment (personally, I haven’t used supplements in years).
Stop working out for 2+ hours every day to get ripped. It’s a waste of time.
Building a great body is easy once you’re using a system that works on autopilot.
You heard me.
Building a great body is EASY!
So what’s the problem here?
Why 9 out of 10 people never make it to their goal
Did you know that well over 90% of all diet attempts fail?
Studies show that regardless of the specific diet you choose to follow your weight loss attempt is bound to fail.
If you’re among the few dedicated individuals out there you’ll lose weight initially, but you’re almost certain to regain it all (and then some) after you go off your diet.
Despite what the next best diet doctor or TV expert is telling you, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions to getting in shape.
To be effective your program must be:
Customized – A nutrition and training protocol designed to meet YOUR specific needs
Flexible – The ability to incorporate the plan seamlessly into YOUR everyday life
Rewarding – A program that will enrich your life, not make you miserable
6 protein-rich meals a day?
Training for hours every day?
Popping pills and drinking chemical cocktails in hopes of finally getting ripped?
Who has the time for that? More importantly.. who wants to live like that?
I certainly don’t.
And I’m here to tell you that you can get in incredible shape by eating the foods you like and spending less time in the gym (truth is, you don’t even need a gym!).
Sounds too good to be true?
Welcome to Team Lean and Mean.
Work With Me
I help people get RIPPED and POWERFUL without going on a diet, taking supplements, or wasting time in a gym with my 4-Phase M.E.A.N. program.
Whether you’re a businessman looking to lose the love handles and amplify cognitive performance.
A father wanting to regain the strength of his glory days and the energy to keep up with the kids.
Or an athlete wanting to maximize performance out on the field.
Every Living Lean and Mean program is built FROM THE GROUND UP, using science-based, field-tested tactics that have helped hundreds of people just like yourself crush their goals!
- Fully customized nutrition and training programs designed for Superior Results
- Regular update calls to ensure you’re on track
- LIVE workouts with me that will transform your body and mind (no gym required)
- 24/7 access to me via E-mail and WhatsApp. Anything you need? Talk to me
- A once-in-a-lifetime transformative experience
I designed this program for driven individuals who want MAXIMUM RESULTS without the industry BS.
Inside M.E.A.N. you will learn how to eat, train and program your days to shred bodyfat, build powerful muscle (that actually performs), and become the individual you always knew you could be.
Talk to me
Set up a FREE 15-minute strategy call with me at [email protected] or message me on Instagram (NO strings attached).

Guaranteed satisfaction!
“Online Coaching?? How will that help me get in shape? I need someone to kick my butt in the gym!”
This is something I hear a lot.
But the reality is I get way better results coaching people online VS in-person.
No comparison.
Because online coaching allows us to monitor and navigate EVERY element of your transformation. From the DIET and TRAINING, the DAILY ROUTINE, to the MINDSET required to succeed.
(Last one’s key!)
We optimize EVERYTHING!
Conversely, if we’re working in person (i.e. training in the gym together), I can only focus on and help you with your training.
And the truth is your workouts are but a fraction of your transformation.
Mark my words..
If you follow my lead and DEDICATE YOURSELF FULLY the results will blow your mind!
If you’re willing to invest in YOURSELF, I will be at your side until the very end.
And that is my promise to you.
Check out these testimonials!!

What are you still waiting for? Hop on the program today and let’s work!

“Sky’s the limit.”
For the dedicated, yes 100%. There’s no limit to how far you can go.
For most, however, it’s more like “couch’s the limit”.
DEMAND more from yourself and go after your goals with maximum intensity.
There are no shortcuts. There is no “easy” way.
There is ONE WAY to results and one only.
Don’t buy my services or programs expecting them to do the work for you!!
If you’re tired of cringing every time you see your reflection in the mirror.
If you truly want to transform yourself without drugs, fancy equipment and over-priced supplements,
If you want to achieve mind-blowing results without becoming an obsessive, compulsive meathead, enter M.E.A.N. and let’s work!
Hit me up at [email protected] or on Instagram and let’s get this party started.
I always respond to your inquiries. Sometimes, however, my reply might end up in your spam folder. Check your spam!