A Body To Die For…
SCIENTISTS say you’ll never have it (statistically speaking, they’re right).
Your friends say you’ll have to give up on the good things in life to get it.
And your overweight uncle Tommy says it can’t be done without steroids, supplements and expensive equipment.
Well, they’re wrong.
All of them.
You can build a LEAN, STRONG, and EYE-POPPING body.
AND you can do it WITHOUT drugs, gym equipment, supplements, and without wasting another minute of your life on a treadmill.
(You know, like nature intended… before the fitness industry came along to shove useless garbage down your throat.)
But before we start you off on your journey to Physical Supremacy, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Victor Gaspar, M.Sc and I am the founder and creator of Living Lean and Mean.
I currently reside in beautiful Quito, Ecuador and I help people across the globe lose fat, build muscle and look fantastic with their clothes off.
But it wasn’t always like that.
People never asked me how to get in shape a few years ago.
People didn’t come to me for training advice.
People didn’t pay me to show them how to get jacked and perform at elite levels.
Because despite the fact that I was working out religiously and eating “clean” for years I still looked like dog poop (scroll down for reference).
I did everything they told me to do.
Eat 5-6 small meals a day…
Eat loads of protein at every meal…
Do cardio to burn fat…
Take all these overpriced supplements…
Never question what you’re being told…
Complete and utter bullshit. All of it.
Nothing but LIES created to separate you from your hard-earned cash.
After years of wasting time and getting nowhere, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I decided to completely transform my physique. On my own terms.

And after years of researching, experimenting and learning from the best in the field, it finally clicked…
I uncovered the TWO DRIVERS of physical transformation.
The 2 KEY ELEMENTS behind every successful transformation.
From professional athletes, fitness celebrities to Hollywood actors (to yours truly).
Mind you, it only took me 10+ years to crack the code.
But then again, most people will never get it.
They will never learn how to get a body that looks and performs like it belongs on the big screen. Certainly not in a sustainable way.
Just take a look at the people at your local gym.
They look the same every year.
The months pass, the seasons change but their bodies don’t.
Be better than that.
Let me tell you a dirty little secret the fitness industry is hell-bent on keeping from you.
Well over 90% of attempts to lose weight FAIL!
I’m not kidding.
This is the reality of dieting (if you don’t know what you’re doing).
I know what you’re thinking…
Why are people getting fatter and weaker despite spending more money on diet programs, supplements, and weight-loss miracle cures than ever before in the history of mankind?
All diets are short-term solutions for a long-term problem.
Worse even, they completely ignore the human element – YOU.
Studies show that regardless of the specific diet program (keto, vegan, low-carb, low-fat, intermittent fasting, etc.) you choose to follow your weight loss attempt is bound to fail.
If you’re among the few dedicated individuals out there you might lose some weight initially, but you’re almost certain to regain it all (and then some) after you go off your diet.
You lose weight and gain it back in never-ending cycles of frustration. Sound familiar?
It sucks, I know. But it is what it is.
I created LEAN MACHINE to break this cycle of fatness.
I created LEAN MACHINE to help regular people – people like you – get kickass results.

I want to save you from years of uncertainty and frustration.
I want to save you from making the same mistakes I’ve made in the past. Mistakes that cost me years of progress.
Believe it or not, I actually care about your results more than the $$$.
(No, I’m no tree-hugging vegan. I love money and plan on making enough of it to fill an entire swimming pool and do my own version of Scrooge McDuck, but that’s a different story.)
Yes, I want you to buy LEAN MACHINE!
But more than that, I WANT YOU TO WIN!
I want you to finally get what you signed up for and I want you to go out and tell everyone how this program changed you forever.
You see, the fitness and health industry is as shady as they come.
The people behind the supplements, gyms and run-of-the-mill programs don’t want you to make it. They don’t want you to succeed.
They want your money and will tell you ANYTHING to get it.
I don’t believe in selling garbage to make a profit.
No matter how fancy you package it or what cute little name you give it, garbage is garbage.
Call me a fool but I believe in honesty, integrity, and service.
I believe in the truth.
And I believe you have a right to know the truth.
The vast majority of fitness and health information out there is geared towards making a quick buck or deceiving people into committing to some pseudo-scientific program.
But here’s what they don’t tell you:
You DO NOT have to lead a miserable life to reach your fitness goals.
You don’t have to be on a restrictive low-fat, low-carb, low satisfaction diet to lose weight (this will actually work against you in the long-run).
You don’t have to eat “clean” to get abs.
You don’t need to buy magic pills or fancy equipment to make progress (personally, I haven’t used supplements in years).
And you don’t have to give up your social life to work out for 2 hours every day (you’ll be shocked at how little training you can get away with).
This game is so much simpler than people have us believe, it’s not even funny.
LEAN MACHINE is your personal guide to a leaner, harder, stronger body.
This program will teach you:
1. Why most diets are actually making you fatter (and what you MUST do to avoid it)
2. How to eat and train for rapid fat-loss and a chiseled body that would make Michelangelo proud (Hint: do the opposite of what the magazines tell you)
3. How to supercharge your metabolism for faster fat-loss and a stronger, healthier body
4. How to eat the foods you love (yes, ice cream too) and stay lean and mean for the rest of your days with the LEAN MACHINE energy cycle
5. The lifestyle hacks of the fitness elite (THIS is what separates the winners from the losers)

The statistics don’t lie.
9 out of 10 dieters fail to lose weight and keep it off.
Don’t be part of the statistics.
Get LEAN MACHINE right now and uncover the secret science behind Physical Transformation.
The strategies and tactics contained in this program have transformed hundreds of people.
People like yourself. People with jobs. People with responsibilities.
People who do not want to give up their lives in order to get leaner, stronger and sexier.
And now these breakthrough strategies are available to you.
But make no mistake about it.
This is not your typical run-of-the-mill diet program with 10 pages worth of sh*tty content stretched out to fill an entire encyclopedia.
LEAN MACHINE is your all killer, no filler physique transformation manual.
2 hours of your time (tops) and you’ll know exactly what to do to get in magazine-cover shape (we’re not playing games here).
Read it on your laptop, phone, tablet or e-reader. Optimized for your reading pleasure and your results.
Grab your copy right here
“Sounds good, Victor. But does Lean Machine work for real?”
You tell me…

Are you going to be the next LEAN MACHINE?
Because one thing I promise you…
If they can do it, so can YOU!

These people are not fitness models (although they certainly could consider that profession).
They don’t eat chicken and broccoli every couple hours, they don’t take mountains of worthless supplements and they don’t live in the gym.
These are real people with real jobs, real responsibilities and real lives.
Just like yourself…
Well, not quite.
The difference between them and you is:
- They are willing to do WHATEVER it takes
- They follow the right plan of action
The first I cannot give you. This is on you 100%.
The right plan of action, however, is right here in front of you.
So my question to you is…
What’re you still waiting for?
Get Ready to Shred Bodyfat, Build Lean Muscle, and Reveal Your Ultimate Self.

Stop wasting another day trying to figure out how to EAT, TRAIN and LIVE for the body you always wanted.
The answers you seek are right here.
This is your chance.
Let’s go!
Talk soon