“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson Taking on new clients, I can usually tell after the initial assessment if someone is going to be successful or not. With some people, the hesitation […]
Do You Have The Genetics to Build Muscle and Lose Weight?
“I have a slow metabolism…” “I was always fat growing up…” “I can’t build muscle. My entire family is skinny…” “Diabetes runs in the family…” Any of these statements sound familiar? Do you ever sound like that when you’re defending your current state of fatness or laziness? Do you ever tell yourself these things in […]
When Eating Healthy Becomes Unhealthy
Have you ever called off a restaurant date because you were afraid they didn’t serve diet friendly or “healthy” options? Do you consciously abstain from eating the foods you like because you don’t consider them healthy? Are you always on the outlook for new diet “hacks”? Do you find yourself regularly obsessing over the foods […]
Rise and Shine: The New Year’s Revolution
“Is this another one of those motivational articles to get me off my ass and into the gym?” No. I am by no means your personal motivator. And I’m not going to give you a list of things you need to do to lose weight, build muscle, get that girl (or boy), and succeed in […]
How to Lose Weight and Get Lean
If you’ve read my article on Why Diets Suck you know my stance on diets and dieting in general. But let’s get something straight. Restrictive diets are BS, yes. However, if you’re carrying a spare tire around your waist or can’t take a 10 minute stroll without passing out you should consider rethinking your eating […]