Recently, I got to go through some of my old training journals dating back close to 10 years.
10 years of regular (often daily) updates on my nutrition, training, and supplementation protocol at the time.
It is a wealth of knowledge. Absolutely priceless information.
And it is why I’ve always stressed the importance of tracking your progress.
But I digress.
Studying my scribblings, more than anything, was hard-hitting confirmation.
The path to physical supremacy is very simple.
Building muscle, gaining strength and chiseling your physique to an elite level can be narrowed down to a few fundamental rules.
I knew those rules back in 2012. I knew ’em when I first started writing content in 2015.
Yet, over the years I strayed from the way more often than I care to admit. I allowed myself to get side-tracked and I paid the price in time and progress.
But let’s not focus on what I did wrong (unless you wanna sit here till tomorrow). Let’s make sure you use your energy more wisely.
Easy Does It.
The biggest and strongest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to train with never knew anything about nutrition or training.
They weren’t familiar with the latest science or industry trends. They didn’t know what a calorie was or the difference between carbs and fats.
They trained consistently and ate what they felt like eating. That’s it.
Yet, these clueless meatheads were twice as strong as yours truly and three times the size.
Sure, genetics play a part here. But genetics are not the “secret sauce”.
The best of the best, the “genetic elite” in fitness, pro sports, and other athletic endeavors…
They don’t overthink. They don’t ponder.
They have a clear objective and they do what is necessary to succeed.
Above all else, that’s what sets them apart from the rest. From the skinny dorks who overanalyze every little detail. Overanalyze every step…
and find a problem for every solution.
“Am I doing it right?”
“Is this proven scientifically?”
“How many reps, how many sets, how many days a week?”
“Am I overtraining?”
“How many meals? How much protein? Low-carb keto or plant-based?” “Will I get fat if I eat carbs?”
The elite never ask silly questions like that. They’re not concerned with specifics, with details, with ratios and percentages.
They’re not concerned with the small print and the “what if’s”.
To them, it comes naturally. Training, eating, gaining comes naturally.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
They focus on the task at hand and they work until the mission is accomplished.
Sure, they stumble and fall like everyone else, but ultimately, they get the job done. And that is all that matters.
On the flip side, the more detail-oriented, the more “scientific”, the more anal people are about their workouts and diets, the worse their results.
I speak from first-hand skinny-dork-experience.
What Do You Have To Show For?
What are your results?
I don’t care about your credentials. I don’t care about the books you’re reading, the courses you took, or the studies you’re misquoting.
What are your results? What have you accomplished? What do you have to show for?
RESULTS is all I care about.
And RESULTS is all you should care about.

So instead of reading the latest book, article, study, and arguing with people over minutiae online, get your butt in the gym and EARN your results.
Go back to the fundamental bread-and-butter exercises and work like hell to become the strongest person you know.
Do not get carried away with the number of reps and sets you do, the perfect workout split, or the timing of your rest periods. Those are meaningless details.
Dumb it down. Make it simpler. Make your training so stupid simple Joe Biden would get it.
[Handful of exercises. Brutal effort. Do this for 5 years straight and see what’s up.]
And when you get back home, eat good food, in reasonable amounts, read your bible, and go to bed on time.
No need for a rigid diet that is wholly unnatural and impossibly difficult to follow.
Yes, track your nutrition. Know what you’re eating, how much, and why, but don’t make this more complicated than it needs to be.
This is the road to a better, stronger, and more capable body.
Rocket science, eh?
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[…] And here’s what a lot of you get twisted: RESULTS ARE THE BOTTOM LINE! […]