Are you ready to do something extraordinary?
Something very few people will ever come close to achieving?
Are you ready to become the gorilla?
Prepare to deal with a lot of opposition. Prepare to be ridiculed.
Prepare to be on your own.
As a coach over the years, I’ve seen so many bright and capable individuals throw away BIG opportunities and even bigger potential because they were afraid of what “people” would think.
They were afraid of how their girlfriends, their buddies, and their families would react to a massive shift in their lives. And this fear kept them from ever taking the first step.
Damn shame.
Do you know how many guys come to me for advice on how to eat, train, do this and that.. and then don’t have the balls to pull the trigger and do it because of what someone might say?
Let me make something clear to you here..
Regardless of what you might think of me, I want you to win.
I want you to get strong, healthy and capable. I want you to get in ridiculous shape.
I want you to win BIG. And I want to see your friends and family cheer you on.
But in order to get there, you will have to put your head down, ignore all the “well-meaning” advice and get to work.
Go ghost.
I took it so far that I traveled the world for over 3 years when I started Living Lean and Mean just so I could be alone and do the work I knew I needed to do without getting sidetracked. Luckily, you don’t have to do that.
But be ready.
When you set out to lose the love handles, build granite muscle and become a disciplined, self-sufficient gorilla of a man..
When you start your new regimen, when you start fasting, when you start training daily.. people left and right will try to talk you out of it. They will try to talk some “sense” into you.
“This can’t be healthy..”
“This is too extreme..”
“My doctor said..”
Respectfully, IGNORE THEM!
Don’t let their ignorance and fear paralyze you. You know what you have to do. Do it.
Extraordinary results require extraordinary measures.
And brother, there is no shame in being extraordinary. So stop acting like it.
You’re absolutely right. It ain’t easy.
Going after your goals, ain’t easy. That’s precisely why most never start. But that’s not an alternative. It’s not an excuse.
Not for me. Not for you.
Getting ripped and building a high-performance body requires MASSIVE lifestyle adjustments.
Don’t let this barrier of entry scare you away. Don’t fear the change. Embrace it.
If this were an easy stroll in the park everyone would be peeled to the bone and sporting a cover-model physique.
But it ain’t easy, my man. This is hard. It’s supposed to be hard. That’s the whole beauty of it.
You are now entering unchartered terrain, a new chapter in your life. Don’t dip your toes. Dive head-first into the ice-cold waters of physical supremacy.
I told you, I don’t diet anymore. I also don’t waste any time going to the gym or training for hours every day.
I have my own style of cutting body fat and building gorilla muscle. And it’s nothing like the traditional methods prevalent in the fitness industry.
I am an extremist.
But there’s a method to the madness. And boy oh boy do I enjoy this lifestyle and the results that come with it.
That’s right.
I love this lifestyle. I love my diet and the brutal workouts I put myself through.
Here’s the thing though..
I never needed anyone’s approval. I looked for my answers and started implementing them relentlessly.
Regardless of what people around me were saying (and believe me, they were just throwing their unsolicited advice at me)
“You shouldn’t skip breakfast, it’s the most important meal of the day..”
“You shouldn’t fast, that’s unhealthy..”
“You can’t train every day, you need to take it easy..”
I am very grateful that God made me immune to criticism.
You might not have that gift. But I’m telling you.. I’m asking you..
Pretty please.
Don’t let them hold you down. Don’t let them keep you from ever taking your first step.
When you start on your journey or when you resume your training and your fat-loss diet after a long hiatus..
Don’t ask for permission. Don’t seek validation. Don’t try to please others with your decisions.
Be relentless.
Have a plan and follow it through regardless of what the world throws at you. Don’t even tell people about what you’re doing (I tell my clients this all the time).
No. You don’t have to be a dick about it. But don’t feel the need to explain yourself at every instant. You don’t.
You simply do what you know deep down you must do to get the results you always wanted.
And I’m telling you.. the results are worth it.
I’ll see you on the other side.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
– Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Unleash your ultimate self!
Get RIPPED and STRONGer than anyone you know without dieting or ever setting foot in a gym with the M.E.A.N. system.
Fully independent and totally superior.
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