Today I will show you how I train.
No scientific studies, no references, just pure unadulterated chest action and undeniable results. The best exercises, the most effective rep ranges and the optimal training frequency for muscular development.
You excited yet? I know you are. Let’s go.
Exercise selection
Regardless where you train, you can build your body with the most rudimentary equipment or no equipment at all. Here are my favorite chest-building exercises.
Vic’s top chest exercises:
• Push-ups: All variations
• Bench press: flat, incline, dumbbell, barbell
• Dips (focus on the parallel bar dip)
Forget chest flyes or cable crossovers. These exercises are great for bodybuilders looking to sculpt their (already developed) chests but they will do little, if anything, for increasing muscle mass, performance or functionality.
I want you to focus on compound pressing movements such as push-ups, the bench press, and dips in your training. Isolation work may be added strategically, but I’d much rather see you do one-arm push-ups, weighted dips and incline bench press 1.5x your bodyweight.
That’s all you need. Forget about “hitting the muscle from every angle” or “surprising” your muscles with new exercises and “shock” sets. The only surprise (or shock) will be your lack of results. Focus on progressing on a select few exercises and your muscle and strength gains will speak for themselves.
The King of upper body movements
The push-up is the undisputed king of upper body movements.
If you think that you can hit your muscles harder with the bench press, you’ve never done heavy weighted push-ups or explosive one-arm push-ups.
The muscular tension you’ll feel doing push-ups with a partner on your back is unparalleled. Don’t believe me? Do a single max effort set and see for yourself. If that doesn’t rock you like an overhand right from Chuck Liddell, pick a heavier exercise partner.
“I can do 100+ push-ups but my chest won’t grow.”
You’re doing it wrong.
Pumping out endless reps is worthless if you’re a natural athlete. You need to hit those muscles harder. Climb the progressive calisthenics ladder by incorporating more difficult exercise variants. Unilateral, weighted or high complexity push-ups (make sure to watch the video I linked above!). Overload your muscles in a progressive manner and watch them grow.
It’s not the exercise you do that matters it’s how you do it. Push yourself beyond what you think you can do.
Sets, reps and training frequency
Pick 2 chest exercises per session and focus on the 5-10 rep range. You can and should add some higher rep sets (12-20, 20+), but the foundation of your routine must be strength based!
If you can do more than 10 reps with good form, add weight to the exercise or move to more difficult variants.
If you want to bring your chest up, hit it hard 2x/ week. Twice a week is absolutely sufficient for stimulating maximum growth. Training more frequently will not allow you to get stronger and progress on your lifts (unless you’re a beginner).
You are wasting time lifting light weights and pumping up those pecs. Get stronger! Anyone who tells you otherwise is either on performance enhancing drugs or doesn’t have a fukin clue.
Thank you for reading
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