I got bad news for you.
Your new diet? Won’t work.
The new fitness routine you’re on? Nothing but a temporary boost.
The good news? You finally realized that something had to change.
But to lose fat and reach your fitness goals, you can’t simply adopt a few new tricks.
You have to become a different person.
“What do you mean by ‘different person’ Victor?”
Take a long, hard look at yourself. Now tell me:
Do you act like the in-shape people you know?
Do you follow an individualized fitness program?
Do you believe lunch at McDonald’s is a valid option?
Do you take the elevator every opportunity you get?
Do you treat your body with respect?
Do you even know what that means?
If you’re out-of-shape, sedentary and overweight, I can answer any one of those questions for you. How? Because it’s not a matter of genetics (it never is). Fat loss begins in the mind.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
We’re not talking about meditation, positive self-talk or some Harry Potter sh*t.
We’re talking about an actual shift in personality.
In order to achieve your goals, you have to do things differently. You have to make a decisive mental switch. You have to become a different person.
The person that hits the gym with the dedication of a pro athlete. The guy/gal that is in charge of his/her diet at all times. The person that lives according to his principles and doesn’t compromise merely to please his friends or his ego. You have to become that person.
You have to switch from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde (if Mr. Hyde was a lean mean ass-kicking machine).
You see, with the right mindset, everything else will fall into place.
With the right mindset, pigging out at every opportunity won’t be an option. Lying on the couch all Sunday won’t be an option. And lunch at McDonald’s certainly won’t be an option.
With the right mindset your routines, habits and daily choices will flow together to create the person you see before your mind’s eye.
Program Yourself For Success
Once you’ve made the mental switch you won’t be compelled to stuff yourself with junk food and indulge in other destructive habits.
You’re a different person now.
You’re now subconsciously making better food choices without putting any serious thought or effort into it. You’re now choosing an early morning hike over an all-nighter at the bar. You’re now ready to do what is necessary, every day.
Conversely, if you fail to make that mental jump, you’ll never make it far in this game.
You may start working out. You may start eating better. You may even see some results initially, but it is only a matter of time until your old self takes over again.
It is only a matter of time before your old habits and routines start kicking in. And before you know it, you’re back to eating, acting and looking like the fat, lazy slobs you know.
Pretty please, don’t go down that road. Make the switch, become a winner and never look back. If not for yourself, do it for ol’ uncle Vic.
Thank you for reading
Sehr coole Bilder, ich mag bitte beim nächsten Spartan so wie die ganz oben aussehen 🙂
Danke. Ist notiert 😉