When I created this website, I didn’t want it to be just another fitness website and I didn’t want to be just another writer or coach pushing garbage products and living off of commission cuts. I wanted more… way more.
Being involved in this game for over 12 years, I wasn’t content with where the industry was headed. Worthless products being hailed as the next best thing to getting laid. Steroid infused (“natural”) athletes telling average Joes and Janes how to look like them.
Surprise! It’s a scam supplement. (“Use the code SCAM16 at checkout to get 20% off your purchase.”)
All show, no substance. Not good enough. To me atleast. There had to be more to it than that.
What is human performance?
Story time.
Around 3 years ago I went for a hike with a buddy of mine. What was supposed to be an intense 90 min cardio session, turned into a 2+ hour march through the bowels of hell.
I was forcefully trying to add muscle back then, eating copious amounts of food, lifting 5-6 days per week and doing zero cardio. Big mistake, as I would soon find out.
For the first half hour, I felt great, ready to take on the world, joking, jumping around and feeling like God’s gift to earth. But as we approached the midway point, I started to slow down. I felt my legs burning out fast, and the 2nd half of the hike was a mere test of willpower, as my calves started to cramp up with every step.
When I got back home that afternoon I was smoked. I needed a meal and a 2 hour nap to get back to my senses. As I regained my composure, I felt a deep sense of frustration washing over me. As a former athlete, I hadn’t expected this humiliating defeat. How did I let it get this far? Yeah I was lifting heavy in the gym, but that meant nothing seeing as how bad my overall conditioning was. I looked good, but damn I was in miserable shape.
It was all show, no substance.
But right then and there, I knew what I had to do. I wouldn’t let myself get to that point, ever again. Fast forward 2 years and I was in the greatest shape of my life. I looked better, performed better and had the energy to go 15 rounds with a mutant alligator (kudos to you, if you know where this is from). But getting there wasn’t easy.
You’re being screwed
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’ve already been screwed over (multiple times) by heavily marketed products or programs. Rest assured though, you’re not alone.
I was a sucker for shitty diets, worthless supplements and unreasonable fitness protocols for the first 5 years of training (I’m a slow learner). I had to learn this the hard way. But luckily for me, the hard way is the only true way.
The years didn’t go to waste, however. I kept digging, looking for answers and uncovering the biological principles behind muscle gain and fat-loss. I will show you how to build a standout physique with the real world performance to back it up. Taking the emphasis off of products, pills and other short-cuts, and putting the individual – YOU – at the center of attention.
Beyond appearance. Beyond mere gym strength. Beyond brawn. The total package.
This is human performance.
Thank you for reading
[…] And there’s just something about pulling off bodyweight feats of strength like front levers, muscle-ups and one arm push-ups. Not only do they look cool, but they train the body the way nature intended. This is the ultimate display of human performance. […]