I was wrong.
I was wrong about working out, about building muscle and getting truly strong.
For 18 years I was wrong.
But everything changed during a national lockdown in Quito, Ecuador. As the world was going mad right in front of my eyes, I decided to relearn everything I thought I knew about working out.
At that point, I had been training consistently for 2 decades, with good success (… so I thought).
But it was time for something new. I wanted to challenge myself.
I wanted to do something extraordinary.
And while locked inside my home, I began working on a brand new training system for myself.
Complete tunnel vision. I focused on one thing and one thing only.
And in the following months, everything changed.
Yes, I am in infinitely better shape today. (Without using magic potions)
And I look like I aged in reverse. (I did)
But that’s just the superficial stuff.
This program I was on transformed me from the inside out.
It made me more disciplined, more confident, more efficient, and more… alive.
I knew I was onto something big. And I knew it would be criminal to keep it to myself.
VICTORIOUS is the product of 2 decades of research and development.
But make no mistake.
I didn’t read any books or articles on working out to come up with “my own” shitty version of a 12-week transformation.
I put myself through the MEAT GRINDER, training like I had a gun to my head for a year straight.
And while I was running some admittedly crazy experiments, I made a rather humbling discovery.
My understanding of the human body was shallow, one-dimensional, and incomplete.
I didn’t really understand how to trigger a REAL transformation, because I never dug deep enough. I never went far enough.
Big mistake.
Because only when you strip away the industry myths and cut through your safety net, you can hope to eventually strike gold.
And boy oh boy did I strike gold.
But before we move on, I want to make something very clear here: I’m nobody special.
I don’t have superior genetics or 24/7 access to the world’s best equipment.
I had to fight for every inch of progress.
And the thing that struck me during this transformative time, perhaps more than anything, is that…
It’s never too late to start over.
No matter whether you’re a rank beginner or you’re a seasoned training veteran. No matter how many times you’ve tried to get in eye-popping shape in the past or how limited you think your God-given potential is.
This time will be different.
If you’re ready to put in the work and commit fully, this time will be different.
My word on that.
- An uncompromising Bodyweight Training Program designed for SUPERIOR RESULTS
- Train anytime & anywhere using the 7 Best Exercises On The Planet
- The roadmap to getting bigger and stronger than ANYONE you know from the comfort of your own home (Spoiler: nothing about this will be comfortable)
- Includes the cutting-edge strategies that radically TRANSFORMED my body even with the odds stacked against me (These tactics you won’t find anywhere else!)
- The BLUEPRINT to becoming a Real-World Superhero (I’m dead serious)
And much more…
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
VICTORIOUS – The Alpha and Omega of Bodyweight Training will change everything.
It changed me. And I’m only getting started.
You ready to be Victorious?
I bought it.
Very well written and no unreal advices. The only few things I wish were also there are:
1. addition of bridging to the best exercises section but YMMV,
2. handstand pushup progressions,
3. importance of using depressed shoulders in majority of upper body exercises (because too many people perform exercises in “shoulder shrug mode” == injury).
All in all, will recommend it to my friends and keep up the good work! Cheers from Croatia
Appreciate your feedback.
Personally, I haven’t done bridges in years. Though I see the value in doing them (consistently and progressively), they bore me to tears. So I won’t be incorporating any bridging into my programming anytime soon.
Victorious is the program I follow and the strategies I use every day. There’s nothing in there that I don’t stand by or follow myself 100%. But I also clearly state the importance of finding your own path. That includes, experimenting with different exercises and training techniques (ie. high volume training), dietary strategies etc.
Nothing worse than blindly following someone else’s advice (including my own). That will not get you anywhere.
As far as the handstand progressions go, I was thinking about adding a progression ladder for the exercise but ultimately decided not to. Maybe in one of the future updates. Stay tuned.
In any event, thanks for picking up Victorious and thank you for your insights.
Talk soon