I have zero patience.
Especially when it comes to seeing changes in my body.
Sharper abs. Bigger arms. Better performance.
I want it now.
Just the other week, I realized I lost a good chunk of muscle due to chronically undereating protein.
And trust me, I know of and preach the importance of a high protein diet to build and maintain a strong (and healthy) body.
But what can I say?
I don’t like to pound meat, fish and eggs all day. I could very well live off of oats, milk and some fruit.
But that’s not how you build a body. Especially if you’re training like an unchained animal in the gym.
Protein is key.
Remember, you’re tearing down muscle while training. You’re breaking muscle down in the gym.
And you have to supply enough calories and enough protein (= the building blocks of muscle) in that post-workout period to rebuild and grow bigger and stronger.
Sufficient calories. Sufficient protein.
This is as basic as it gets. The real ones knew this decades, if not centuries ago.
You want a better body? Lift weights, manage your calories and eat more protein.
So this past couple of weeks, I’ve bumped up my protein intake considerably.
Now, I don’t recommend any ridiculous numbers here. 0,85 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is plenty for most of you.
And going back to that golden rule myself, I’ve seen a difference in my physique almost overnight. My muscles look fuller and my body is harder overall.
Interestingly enough, I’ve also experienced improved cognition (!) and a significant decrease in hunger.
But the changes don’t come fast enough for me. I want the end result NOW.
That doesn’t mean I’m not in it for the long run.
Not at all.
FAT LOSS 101: The Need For Speed
The difference between me and the fat slobs you see walking down the streets with their guts hanging down to their knee caps is…
I will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to get the desired result.
6 days? 6 months? 6 years?
In my limited understanding, it makes no difference.
I want the end result. And I will do what it takes to get there.
But I also have a need for speed.
Let’s face it, nobody wants to suffer for months on end without seeing any real results.
REAL results, homeboy.
I’ m talking jaw-dropping-to-the-fkin-floor type of results.
I’m talking “Jesus, what happened to you??” type of results.
That’s what you want.
I know you do. And we’ll get there in a second.
Regardless of your starting position, losing fat and transforming your body shouldn’t take forever.
In fact, the faster you progress, the bigger your chance of reaching your goal.
Nothing will motivate you more than results.
And if you know what you’re doing, you should see dramatic changes in the mirror almost overnight.
If you follow a solid routine, you can expect REAL results in as little as 1-2 weeks.
You heard me.
But here’s the problem. Your routine sucks.
Perhaps you’ve tried to lose fat and transform your physique for years, yo-yo-ing up and down in weight.
Perhaps you’re just an average Joe and want to know what it feels like to walk up a flight of stairs without choking on air.
Perhaps you’re just sick of following diets that do nothing but cripple your metabolism and ruin your relationship to food.
Whatever the case may be, it’s time to get your act together and transition to something that actually delivers.
The Best Fat Loss Protocol On God’s Green Earth
I created a state-of-the-art protocol to burn fat as fast as humanly possible.
I created a program guaranteed to give you REAL results, FAST.
I created it because my previous strategies had failed me.
My “slow and steady” approach to fat-loss and physical transformation didn’t cut it.
Because it was too slow. And most of you lose motivation faster than I can finish my morning coffee.
Next thing you know, you’re back to eating whatever whenever and blowing up like a balloon again.
This is the reality of fat loss dieting and I had to learn it the hard way.
Now, I wouldn’t come out swinging for the fences like that if I didn’t 100% believe in it.
Read my lips…
This program will make you leaner, harder and better … faster than you ever thought possible.

The downside?
It’s hard. And most of you will not be able to make it.
But here’s the deal.
I didn’t create Rapid Fire Fat Loss for most of you.
I created itĀ for the dedicated, the disciplined, the worthy.
Weak-ass whiners need not apply.
So my question to you is, do you have what it takes to shred bodyfat and look like you just walked off a Hollywood movie set?
Only one way to find out.
Grab your copy of Rapid Fire Fat Loss here:
I’ll see you on the other side.
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