Today, 3 years ago Living Lean and Mean was born.
Today, 3 years ago I decided to go my own way.
And today, 3 years ago I knew that whatever happened along the way, I would never stop.
I would be the last man standing.
Make no mistake, it certainly wasn’t all sunshine and lollipops along the way. It was (and is) a daily battle of will as much as it was a test of skill. Thankfully, I was blessed abundantly with both.
But this isn’t about me.
I’m not here to sing my own praises. No. In today’s article, I will tell you why most people on this planet never amount to anything and, while we’re at it, I will also give you the secret to eternal greatness.
That’s a mouthful, isn’t it? Sure. But it doesn’t even begin to cover the magnitude of what I am about to share with you here.
Going Ghost
I’ve been traveling the world for the past 3 years. But I didn’t do it for fun. I did it for one reason and one reason only: To eliminate distractions.
From the day I started my journey, I always felt like I was playing catch up. Not with competitors or other entities. I was playing catch up with the man I needed to become.
Regardless of how many hours I put in every day or how many people’s lives I changed through my coaching programs, I always felt like I was dragging behind.
But I wasn’t held back by the notion. In fact, I woke up every morning fired up to take another step toward my ultimate goal.
In order to move forward in a meaningful way, I realized I had to cut myself off from my surroundings. I had to go ghost.
I went to Asia last year to be completely free and undisturbed to work on Living Lean and Mean. I had to travel to the other end of the world because, in order to create meaningful work, you must be free of distractions.
You must be deaf to the noise and have complete tunnel vision.
Going out for drinks, watching movies, playing video games, or simply “hanging with the boys”, is not going to help you advance in this life. If you want to see what’s on the other side, you must work on your craft to the detriment of everything else.
Your friends, family, even your tinder dates will try to sabotage you at every corner. They will try and keep you from doing the great work you were put on this earth to do. Not because they are bad people, but because they take away your time.
And if there is one thing you will never have enough of, it’s TIME.
I willfully isolated myself to create something of my own. Something no one can ever take away from me. 130+ articles of truth and the foundation of my seminal work – LEAN MACHINE
The fact that I found the light during my travels is just an added bonus.
In order to do your best work, you have to be alone, isolated and without distraction. Your mind must be free to create and ideas free to blossom at any moment. Day and night.
Know Your Enemy
While you’re out there grinding and putting in the work, stay vigilant and razor-sharp like a tiger on the prowl. Always be on the outlook for the enemy and never stop moving forward.
Because he is coming for you.
He will try to ambush you when you least expect it. He will try to take what is most important to you. If you let your guard down, he will destroy you and leave an empty shell of what once was or could have been.
Who is this enemy?
He is right there with you as we speak. He is always there with you. He is always there staring back at you through your mirror.
There is no competition. When you’re operating at peak capacity, when you are at your best there simply is no competition.
Your competition is YOU.
Your worst enemy is YOU.
It is procrastination. It is doubt and fear. It is impatience. It is dishonesty. It is jealousy and hate.
Your mirror image will be the end of you if you let it.
The Curse Of The Modern Man
“That which you do not hate you will eventually tolerate.”
At the end of the day, the question you have to ask yourself is how bad do you want it? Because only when the fire in your belly is threatening to burn you alive will you be ready to do what is necessary.
But you have no fire. Truth is, even if you were handed the secret to wealth, health and success, you most likely wouldn’t do anything with it. Why? Because you’re too comfortable, you’re too full.
The curse of the modern man is his lack of hunger. Physical and mental.
Nobody wants it anymore.
Most of us are content because we think we have everything we need. Food, shelter, and a big screen TV. We think there’s nothing else worth fighting for.
You ever wonder why so many wildly successful individuals get burned out, depressed and suicidal?
After enjoying mega-success, they lack perspective, they lack direction, they lack fire. After dominating their path and climbing to the top of the mountain – poof – they’re back to square one, back to where they started.
I know what you’re thinking now. “How do you keep from going around in circles?”
Simple. You always keep moving forward.
From the very first step you take to the last breath you draw on your deathbed, you always keep moving forward.
Instead of looking for the next shortcut, you take the long road and you keep marching onward until the lights go out.
Always Take The Long Road
If you stay on your journey long enough you will learn a thing or two about yourself and your role in this world. You will learn about your strengths and weaknesses.
You will learn what people (= your customers) want and what they don’t care for.
People will let you down. And people will leave you speechless with their competence and kindness.
You will become the master until you’re ready to be the servant.
You will beat the odds again and again until you are the last man standing.
But to take your rightful place in this world you have to become the ultimate version of yourself. Otherwise, you will always be left playing catch up.
How do you become the ultimate version of yourself?
Always start with the basics.
Treat others with respect.
Put good food in your body.
Spend more time in nature.
Train your body and mind vigorously.
Master your craft and let your voice be heard.
Grow your heart bigger than your bank account.
Never stop moving forward.
Yes, you must isolate yourself and put your needs first. You must be unapologetically selfish. But not for yourself.
Life is not to be lived alone. The best moments are always shared with others.
But you can only truly understand and appreciate those moments when you are free from insecurity, fear, and self-sabotage. You can only see the truth when you are at your best.
So go your own way and become your best. For you. And for them.
Here’s to the next 30 years of Living Lean and Mean.
Thank you for reading
Unleash your ultimate self
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Follow in the footsteps of hundreds of people (check out these testimonials!) who have conquered their doubts and fears to unleash the ultimate version of themselves.
If they can do it, so can you.
The time is now.
Your experience of needing to depart the distracting world and go off on your own journey is fairly much the same as the story of Buddha.
Good luck with your quest.