This is the greatest time to be alive in the history of mankind.
We frequently forget how good, how easy our lives have become, and how privileged we are. Ironically, most people today walk around complaining and wishing for better times, instead of opening their goddamn eyes and seeing the world for what it really is.
We have opportunities today that were unthinkable 50 years ago. They weren’t imaginable 10 years ago. As I’m typing these words, I’m sipping on a cup of black coffee in a little side-street coffee shop in Thailand, while taking care of a business I started 10000 kilometers away. You see where I’m going with this?
You and I, we are blessed.
With great power comes great responsibility, however. It is your responsibility to act on this opportunity.
“But how? I don’t even…”
Guts and balls. That’s how.
The Journey Of One
Let’s go back a couple of years. Back to the time it all started.
After getting my master’s degree, I moved to Las Vegas to work for a sporting goods company. Although my stay there was rather brief and fell short of expectations, it was the most fruitful time of my life.
It was there that I finally figured it out. It was there that I learned to think.
In the early morning hours, as the sun cast its first rays onto the desert rocks, I took the initial steps of a life-long journey. I started putting my training and nutrition concepts to paper.
Back then, I had no idea where I was going with it. I simply knew I had an obligation to share what I had learned over the past decade and a half. Weighing in at a measly 67 kilograms at the time and having lost the athletic capacity I once possessed, I still knew there was no one alive more capable of getting the job done.
I also knew I had to fix myself first.
Over the years, I’ve taken inspiration from many sources and was a student to many masters. But it was only in isolation that I was able to connect the dots and finally see the big picture.
I saw what held me back for many years. I understood why some people get results while others fail miserably. It clicked. And like Neo in the Matrix, I saw the full-color picture, while the industry was still micro-managing a black and white reality.
When you focus on yourself, you will be at your best. Not just for yourself. You’ll be your best for you and everyone around you. And you’ll be free to pursue the mission.
The Mission
The mission is everything.
It is your greatest challenge. But it is also your greatest source of meaning and fulfillment.
There is no plan B. There’s the mission and then there’s nothing else. There’s success and then there’s failure. There is life and then there is death.
I chose to succeed. It took me 30 years to make that decision, but I didn’t hesitate for a split-second when the opportunity arose. I knew what I had to do and how to do it.
I stopped trying to fit in and opened my eyes to the fact that I was a different breed. I could never work a desk job. I could never take orders. I could never conform.
200 years ago I probably would have ended up under the guillotine. But not today. Today is the greatest time to be alive in the history of mankind.
Today the mission is everything.
Back to The Basics
Don’t mistake my trip to the jungle for a well-deserved holiday. I’m here strictly for business. Building my brand, my legacy, step by step.
And while I will occasionally stop and smell the roses during my travels, I’m here to do what is necessary. My needs will be reduced to the bare minimum. In order to be able to focus on the task at hand, I will get rid of any and all distractions.
I’m traveling deep into the jungle with but one objective: To create a masterpiece.
By the end of the 4th month, Two Thousand and Victory (April 2017, for the uninitiated) I’ll be dropping the ultimate weight-loss program. It will be free of charge during the launch phase, so make sure to grab your copy while it’s hot.
SPOILER: This program is going to change the game, one physique at a time. Sign up below to be notified upon release (and receive exclusive content from the Master of Lean and Mean).
Talk soon
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It’s coming…