I don’t diet anymore.
I don’t restrict myself at the dinner table anymore.
And funny enough, I am in the shape of my life.
How? I have created a routine, a lifestyle that produces results on autopilot. No, that doesn’t mean it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy and anyone can do it.
What it means is it doesn’t take any conscious effort on my part. I simply go through the motions every day. I simply execute every day and watch my shape improve every month.
And check this out..
This is the most REWARDING and ENJOYABLE way to live I’ve found in 36 years on this planet.
Head-spinning results and having a blast with it?
Welcome to Team Lean and Mean.
The Get Ripped ‘Cheat Code’
I’ve dieted myself into a hole so many times in my life it’s not even funny.
You gotta be a special kind of stubborn if you ignore your body’s warning signs and make the same mistakes over and over again hoping for a different outcome.
That’s me. I’m a special kind of stubborn.
But I did learn a couple things over the years.
One of them is that calorie restriction (aka ‘dieting’) should only be a (very) short-term intervention for most. Lot of nasty things start happening when you ride the deficit train for too long.
And even if you’re disciplined and stick with your program until you’re lean, you’ve sacrificed metabolic function, muscle, performance and worst of all, quality of life to get there.
Not worth it. Never worth it.
Instead of eating like a bird and slowly but surely suffocating your metabolism, you wanna turn up the heat. You want to get active and burn your way to a calorie deficit, while still eating a good amount of food.
In fact, your days should be so active you lose fat on a HIGH-CALORIE diet.
That must be the goal. And that is the only scenario where you’ll have it all: Muscle, crisp definition, everyday energy, high-level performance, a fulfilling non-restrictive lifestyle.

How do I get there, Vic?
Here’s how: Stand up more. Walk more. Always take the stairs. Do your push-ups and squats. Lift some weights.
Your body was built to move ALL DAY.
So move it, ALL DAY.
The little bit of action you get at the gym hardly makes a dent if you’re sitting on your butt for the rest of your waking hours.
There are 24 hours in a day. Do you really think 30 minutes of movement is appropriate? Do you think 30-45 minutes in the gym will make up for the 12+ hours you spend sitting?
Don’t think of it as ‘exercise’. Think of it as being alive.
Use your body. Move it. Take it for a run. Lift stuff off the floor and carry it.
Ramp up your daily activity and you’ll be SHOCKED at the amount of food you can eat while getting more and more cut every day. This is where you want to be. Eating without restrictions, looking like a specimen.
Please don’t get it twisted. I’m not talking about exercising at high intensities all day. I am talking about very moderate to low intensity activity that is built into your daily routine.
A quick 30-minute walk to the office in the morning, standing instead of sitting in front of your computer, walking up and down the stairway for 10-15 minutes during your lunch break, getting a 30-minute bodyweight training session in when you get home from work, taking your sweetheart for a short stroll after dinner, and perhaps doing some stretching when you chill in front of the TV at night.
The only intense exercise here is the bodyweight training session. Everything else is simply refraining from sitting on your butt all day.
And that is it.
That is how you build a blast furnace metabolism.
That is how you get in elite shape without sacrificing quality of life.
That is how you build a body that looks as good as it performs.
All the while feeling better every day and enjoying a rewarding, sustainable lifestyle.
This is your Get Ripped Cheat Code.
Looking to take your body to the next level in 2022?
Get RIPPED and STRONGer than anyone you know without going on a diet or wasting time at the gym using the 4-Phase M.E.A.N. System
Register for your FREE consultation call here.
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