The other day, I was taking my girl to the bus station outside of our foundation here in the heart of Quito.
As we were waiting on her bus this guy randomly started talking to me.
In perfect English.
“You shouldn’t be walking around these parts.”
“Lots of robbers here.”
“Thanks”, I replied.
He was looking out for me which I can appreciate. Little did he know I’d been living here for 4 years.
“They’re gonna take your stuff, your hat, everything..”
“They can try”, I was thinking to myself.
“Where you from, brother?”, I asked.
“From here, Quito.”
Noticeably surprised, I asked, “Where’d you learn to speak English?”
“Vanilla Ice”, he replied.
Good answer.
We started chatting. And he proceeded to tell me how in the early 90s he got into Hip Hop and learned the language by listening to music all day.
Then he asked me what I do for a living.
“I get people in shape – lose fat, build muscle, all that good stuff.
He was intrigued.
“Have you ever heard of..”
took him a while to get it out, but somehow I knew exactly what he was gonna ask me.
“Intermittent fasting?”
“Yeah”, I said with a big smile on my face.
“I do that”, he says.
“People don’t understand. The body just works better on an empty stomach.”
“I agree”, I responded. “It’s the easiest way to get in shape. Without having to worry about all the details.”
The bus arrived and I kissed my girl goodbye before making my way back to the foundation.
I haven’t heard anyone speak perfect English around here. And I was even more surprised to have a conversation about fasting with a random stranger.
Fasting is gold.
Its power is intoxicating. Hard to let it go after you’ve tasted it.
But here’s what you must understand.. fasting is a tool.
You can use it and you can abuse it.
You don’t have to skip meals every day. You don’t have to fast every week.
It’s what I choose to do, but it is not why I look the way I do.
Everybody should fast. No doubt about that in my mind. But not everybody needs to make it part of their daily routine.
Don’t eat for a while, sure. But then feel free to resume eating breakfast-lunch-dinner if that’s what you want.
Not me. I will never habitually eat 3+ meals a day. But it’s for reasons of my own.
Don’t use my standards on yourself unless it gives you the results and the LIFE you want.
Looking to get in killer shape without giving up your life in the process?
Enter M.E.A.N. and get RIPPED and Strong without following silly diets or wasting your life in the gym.
Fully independent and totally superior.
Hi Victor , I have a Question about Intermittent fasting ? When I train in the Morning at 6am do I really need to eat after my workout or I just wait for Noon time to break my Fast .
( I Fast from 12 noon till 8pm )
Thank You
what if your skinny fat because I would love to build lean muscle mass. but the problem for me when I eat I don’t gain much weight. right now Im 75kg idk what to do. And I go to the gym 4 days a week