How do you make sure you never get anywhere with your fitness regimen?
How do you guarantee you remain the same month after month year after year?
1st step: Go to the gym, train for hours on end, don’t track your workouts and make sure to do the same next week.
2nd step: Don’t track your nutrition and just “eat healthy”. Eat every couple of hours (to “spike your metabolism”) and always keep it clean.
3rd step: Scroll through your phone every night for as long as you can before dozing off. You can sleep when you’re dead.
BONUS step: Spend half your monthly earnings on supplements. Especially on the stuff juiced influencers advertise online.
That is your foolproof recipe for zero results.
If you’re one of those ‘crazy’ people who want to do something extraordinary
become somebody extraordinary
somebody other’s come to for advice (“How the.. did you get so damn ripped??”)
Ignore the above. Better yet, do the exact opposite.
Discipline your eating. Know how much food you’re consuming each day and why.
Train to become the STRONGEST person you know. How? Short, frequent, progressive workouts.
In and out of the gym in 20-30 minutes. But out of the gym having added more repetitions or weight to your sets.
Sleep like a corpse. Sleep as much as your responsibilities will allow you to. More is better.
Spend the money you would waste on supplements on taking your beautiful girl out to eat.
Lastly, follow me on Instagram and watch this week’s LIVE training on Metabolic Mastery if you haven’t already.
We covered a lot of juicy tactics there. Tactics that got me in the best shape of my life. Tactics that you can implement TODAY for unreal results.
Always Shirtless Shape
Your nutrition.
Your training.
Your conduct.
Should all result in what I call ‘always shirtless shape’. The kinda shape where you wanna show up shirtless to your nephew’s school play.. because you can and because you know you’re the baddest man there.

The program you follow (and we all follow a program, consciously or not) should lead to UNDENIABLE RESULTS. Everything else is a joke.
Let’s get to work fellas.
Unleash your ultimate self!
Get RIPPED and STRONGer than anyone you know without dieting or ever setting foot in a gym with the M.E.A.N. system.
Fully independent and totally superior.
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